"Malhavoc, trust me. You're cramping nothing."
Ad Astra was interesting. I haven't been to that many cons, but each one has it's own personality of sorts. Ad Astra was very panel focused, but most of the panels were focused on writing and media analysis, or very broad topics of interest while panels at some other cons are pretty much overwhelmed by niche fandoms ("Buffy's Hairstyles Through the Ages", "Kirk vs. Picard vs. Those Other Guys"). Frankly I was thrilled not to be surrounded by Harry Potter, Joss What's-His-Name, and Star Trek. The panels I attended were intelligent discussions (and sometimes debates) that were a pleasure to listen to, rather than the disorganized mumblings of a group of die-hards with the collective public speaking abilities of a thirteen-year-old. So, between the panels and picking up a bunch of nice new books from the dealer's room, this could be considered a successful weekend.
And on a shallower note, the con was also rife with tall, skinny, dark-haired geeks with ponytails, glasses, and noses to next week. It was like a weekend at the Playboy Mansion.
Except instead of a grotto, there was a mass Dungeons and Dragons game.
Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat. I did recognize you, though, so that should count for something!
It was a pretty good con, but I was only there for the one day, so it went by pretty fast.
Pfft. It was clearly a deliberate snub the pain of which I shall take with me to the grave.
Not exactly.
S'okay. There will be other times.
I would never snub thee! And yes, there will be other times, other cons.
Nice costume, btw.
Thanks. Not bad for twelve blurry hours of work.
I'm quite fond of the striped pantaloons. I intend to wear them to the beach in the summertime, so I may stand at the edge of the water with an ostentatiously feathered hat and a monacle. Some good will come of this.
Some good or some jail time, but both are strong, character-building experiences.
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