Friday, February 22, 2008


Oh my god, it's a blog. A writer's blog no less, does the world really need another one? The answer is no, of course not, but my vanity and "artiste" affectations demand one, I'm afraid.

I be T. Max.

I am currently working on "Stage 28", a story very close to my heart that I've been struggling with for nearly a year. Details will follow once my baby's done, but until then, you may know my shame in that it's the closest to fanfiction I've ever written. And I mean fanfiction like whoa. Self-insertion, sex with my favourite character, and everything I've ever hated. Luckily, I'm a writer, and therefore hypocritical and pretentious enough to think that I can pull it off when no one else can.

Welcome to Rosebush Maze, everybody.

Edit: Holy craparino that text was bright. Hopefully this is better.
2nd Edit: It occurs to me that the phrase "self-insertion" placed right before "sex with _______" (fill in the blank) results in a much dirtier sentence than I intended.
3rd Edit: By the way, I'm a pervert. I even own a trenchcoat. You'll get used to it.


Malhavoc Shadowlord said...

Woot! First comment!

Long time fan, first time heckler. So, T. Max, when are we going to see samples of your work? Soon, I hope!

Tiffany Maxwell said...

Malhavoc, I'd hardly call you a first time heckler. I've been suffering with your verbal abuse for nearly a decade.

Likewise however, you've been suffering with mine, and mine does tend to be wittier, funnier, and overall better than yours, so I guess we're even.

Samples? What, my bleeding heart journal entries aren't enough for you? Greedy.

Anonymous said...

Dude. You are, like, totally made of WIN!

Guess who... :p You can reply by sending me a nasty email.

p.s. Why didn't you do this on LJ instead?

Tiffany Maxwell said...

Because REAL writers spurn LJ!

Actually I just like the look of the blog better. And I can figure out how to customize more easily.

And as I explained to Ehch, I am not, in fact, made of win, but made of wattles.

I hate win.